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Writing Workshops

Linden Place is proud to partner with professional writers to provide unique writing workshops for writers of all levels, from the hobbyist to the professional. Join us to gain a new skill or perspective and hone your craft in a supportive atmosphere with other writers.

Proceeds from these workshops support the Linden Place Writers' Residency.

Interested in the
Writers' Residency?

The Linden Place Writers’ Residency is a no-cost, daytime only residency program during the month of April that gives creative writers the tools to discover, engage, examine, and interpret Linden Place’s people, events, setting, and artifacts through a contemporary lens.

LPWR is open to all levels of creative writer including beginner, mid-career, hobbyist, or seasoned writers, who will create a new work while they are in residence.


Playwright, actress, and historical interpreter Laura Rocklyn will join us on August 23, 2025 to offer her new workshop: Bringing Historical Lives to the Stage.

The stage adaptation of Jane Eyre that Laura co-wrote with Sally
Boyett was produced by the Classic Theatre of Maryland in the spring of
2024; Laura’s adaptation of A Christmas Carol has been performed at
Chesapeake Shakespeare Company in 2022 and 2023; and the bio-drama
about Clover Adams that Laura co-wrote with Ty Hallmark was
produced by Ally Theatre Company in 2017. Laura has published
articles in “Brontë Studies” and “The Revere Express,” and she was the
winner of the LitMag 2021 Virginia Woolf Award for Short Fiction.
Laura is a Member of the Chesapeake Shakespeare Company and an
Acting Troupe Member with History At Play.

We expect this workshop to sell out, so we encourage you to register early.

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Join us on Saturday, August 23, 2025 at 10:00 AM for a 2-hour writing workshop, "Bringing Historical Lives to the Stage" with Laura Rocklyn.

In this hands-on workshop, participants will explore ways to bring historical figures who fascinate them off of the page and onto the stage. Starting with primary sources, such as letters, diary papers, and newspaper articles, each participant will work through the creation of a one-person play with a dramatic arch that illuminates the personal stories behind large historical events.

A limited number of seats have been reserved in each workshop free of charge for alumni and current residents of the Linden Place Writers' Residency. If you are an alum or current resident and would like to reserve a seat, please contact Cara Massey at

Proceeds from these workshops support the Linden Place Writers' Residency.

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